Young children get a lot out of their time in preschool. They learn basic school skills, make friends, and practice being in a “real” school setting.
Parents may understand the benefits of sending their children to preschool. However, many are anxious about the transition. Some may worry that their child will be upset. Others may wonder if starting preschool will shake up the daily routine too much.
The transition to preschool doesn’t have to be overwhelming. There are some simple things you can do to help your child gently transition from home to school.
This article will provide tips for a smooth transition into an early childhood education program. Reach out to the caring team at New Horizons Learning Center to learn about our programs. You may also ask questions or schedule a tour of our incredible learning center.
8 Tips For Transitioning From Home to Preschool
Many parents feel mixed emotions about sending their children to preschool. You might feel proud, excited, anxious, or a little sad. Or, you may feel all of these things!
Starting preschool is a big milestone in a child’s life. Feeling strong emotions is expected and completely normal.
However, many parents worry about how their child will handle this big transition. Fortunately, there are several things parents can do to help their children have a smoother transition into preschool.
Here are eight tips for transitioning from home to preschool.
1. Talk about preschool
Talk to your child about what happens in preschool. Focus on the positives: they’ll make friends, they’ll get to play with new toys, how much they’ll learn, and more.
Describe what a typical day might be like. Discuss where your child will go to the bathroom and eat lunch. Talk about what will happen at drop-off and pickup.
Don’t give your child too much information, but talk generally about what will happen throughout the day. Reassure your child that their teacher will help them if they need it.
2. Visit the preschool
Attend an open house or schedule a tour of the preschool. Spending time in the school before school starts can help your child feel more comfortable.
Visit your child’s classroom. Show your child where they will put their belongings and where they will sit. Seeing the school before the first day can help your child feel more confident.
3. Read about it
Read books about the first day of school. Reading about the character’s feelings and experiences can help your child think about their own thoughts and emotions.
Focus on reading stories where the characters have good transitions into school. There are likely many books about this subject available at your local library.
4. Get into a new routine
Earlier mornings and longer school days might mean you need to develop a new daily routine. This might include getting up earlier, getting dressed, packing a backpack, and leaving the house on time.
Don’t wait until the first day of preschool to try your new routine. Practice getting up and ready for a few days before your child’s first day.
5. Ease separation anxiety
Separation anxiety is normal for young children. Preschool teachers have a lot of experience helping children settle in at preschool. They will skillfully handle separation anxiety at school when it happens.
You can help your child feel less anxious by sending a special stuffed animal or toy to school with your child. You may also send pictures of parents and other family members. Children may feel more confident when they have something that reminds them of home.
6. Show confidence
It can be hard for parents to see their young child feeling anxious or upset at drop-off. However, it is very likely that your child will settle in well as soon as you leave.
During drop-off, say a quick goodbye and go. Reassure your child that you will see them again at the end of the school day. Show them that you feel confident about this big change. They will pick up on your feelings and may feel more sure of themselves, too.
7. Practice making friends
Give your child plenty of practice making friends before their first day of preschool. Arrange playdates, join preschool activities, and find other ways to have your child spend time with other young children. The more opportunities they have to practice making friends, the more confident they’ll be when they start school.
8. Communicate
Open communication between parents and teachers is important. Make sure you know how to contact your child’s teacher if you need to. Ask the teacher how they would like you to contact them if needed.
Don’t hesitate to ask questions or raise concerns. Having an open line of communication means you and your child’s teacher can work together to make your child’s preschool experience successful.
Find Preschool in Port Richey
Reach out to the New Horizons Learning Center team for information about our preschool programs in Port Richey. You may also schedule a tour of our school or ask questions.